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Let's Play Ball

Let's Play Ball

Umpire Information

Umpires will officiate youth baseball games using the "Green Book" and PLL "local Rules". 

Essential Duties, Responsibilities and Tasks:   
The umpire will officiate youth baseball games.
The umpire will arrive thirty (30) minutes prior to the schedule game time and keep track of game time. 
The umpire will talk with each coach before the game and review any ground rules, unusual circumstances or local field hazards.
The umpire will make sure all players are in proper uniform and notify the coach if any problems need to be rectified.
The umpire will check all equipment and field for safety hazards.
The umpire will remain unbiased while umpiring the contest and will avoid verbal contact with spectators.
The umpire will approach his/her position as a representative of PLL, displaying respect for the facility, participants, parents and co-workers. 

Qualifications:   Must be at least League Age 12 years and a commitment to the game of baseball.

Necessary Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:   Ability to take the initiative to do the work that needs to be done Ability to work independently. Self-motivator. Knowledge of baseball rules. Good decision making skills. Ability to deal with adults diplomatically.

Physical Demands: Able to crouch for periods during officiating Work is performed outdoors in all kinds of weather   

Hours: Seasonal position March-May  Monday-Friday, evenings; and Saturdays, dawn till dusk

Pay: PLL Umpires are paid, per game, through Artiber

PLL is no longer accepting new applications for the 2025 year.

Not sure you're ready?  
This course will teach the basics of umpiring, and aims to encourage and equip prospective and current umpires to take the diamond.

Training Information

Training for the 2024 season is scheduled for the month of February.
Pleasanton Little League Mandatory Umpires Clinic 

Date- February 11
Place- Bernal Sports Park (Rain or Shine)
Time- 8:00-2:30 (Check in at 7:30)
The clinic will feature training in the morning and a practice scrimmage in the afternoon. There will be a 30-minute lunch break.
Training will include…  
Plate Mechanics  
Base Mechanics
Game Management
Come as if you are ready to umpire a game. Bring plate gear, plate shoes, cup, etc… as you will be working both the plate and the bases during the scrimmage.
Preferred uniform- Charcoal Gray pants, black umpire’s shirt (Majestic Pro Style otherwise known as the one stripe)
Leave it at home. Come ready to learn. We want umpires, and umpires never stop learning.
If you have any questions email me,

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